
Red Ants trip to Tibet 2012

Week 2: July 19 - July 25, 2012

A live report with daily updates

Week 1: July 12 - 18, 2012 Week 3: July 26 - Aug 1, 2012 Week 4: Aug 2 - 8, 2012 Week 5: Aug 9 - 15, 2012 Return

Day 14

July 25, 2012

14.1 Pictures by Bonnie, location: Zhangye/Gansu

14.2 Click on the big picture to see 34 more pictures.

14.3 Or click here to see all pictures we have.


Day 13

July 24, 2012

13.1 Pictures by Bonnie

13.2 moving on.

13.3 Click on the big picture to see 20 more pictures.

13.4 Or click here to see all pictures we have.


Day 12

July 23, 2012

12.1 Pictures by Bonnie

12.2 Click on the big picture to see 21 more pictures.

12.3 Or click here to see all pictures we have.


Day 11

July 22, 2012

11.1 Pictures by Bonnie

11.2 moving on.

11.3 Click on the big picture to see 20 more pictures.

11.4 Or click here to see all pictures we have.


Day 10

July 21, 2012

10.1 Pictures by Bonnie

10.2 Click on the big picture to see 38 more pictures.

10.3 Or click here to see all pictures we have.


Day 9

July 20, 2012

9.1 Pictures by Bonnie

9.2 moving on.

9.3 Click on the big picture to see 38 more pictures.

9.4 Or click here to see all pictures we have.


Day 8

July 19, 2012

8.1 Pictures by Bonnie

8.2 Click on the big picture to see 25 more pictures.

8.3 Or click here to see all pictures we have.

Week 1: July 12 - 18, 2012 Week 3: July 26 - Aug 1, 2012 Week 4: Aug 2 - 8, 2012 Week 5: Aug 9 - 15, 2012 Return